Kräuter & Gewürze
Paradise Plants Berlin cultivates and supplies high-standard herbs and spices by effective methods in order to meet our customers’ demands.
Efficient methods are being applied for cultivating, harvesting, drying, and packing our herbs and spices according to our customers’ needs. We can provide our products in different forms: powder, cut, fine cut, whole, and also germ-reduced. Our customers’ satisfaction is our priority, so we do our best to select the highest-standard products for you.
Traditionally, some herbs are used for the treatment of a great number of diseases since every plant consists of many components which are useful for the human body. In these treatments, herbs and spices have been applied in different forms such as brewing, grinding, or mixing different parts of the plants with other ingredients or by being applied solely on the injured organ. Even in modern times, the usefulness and sometimes miraculous effects of herbs and spices on different diseases are emphasized.
Darüber hinaus werden zahllose Kräuter und Gewürze in der Küche kulinarisch verarbeitet. Die zerkleinerten, teils gemahlenen Blätter oder Samen von Gemüse oder Kräutern verändern eindrucksvoll den Geschmack eines Gerichts und verleihen eine feine Note. Statt gewöhnliche Gewürze wie Pfeffer, Kurkuma oder Kümmel einzusetzen, können wir unsere Kochkunst auf eine neue Stufe heben, indem wir uns an unterschiedliche, vielleicht auch bislang ungewohnte Kräuter heranwagen.

Unsere Kräuter- und Gewürze
• Französischer Estragon
• Safran
• Kreuzkümmelsamen
• Sumach